How long does it take to request an offer? In the world of consumer goods, e-commerce is now a common alternative to brick-and-mortar shops, both for purchasing and shipping solutions and for researching and comparing prices and conditions. In the world of technical items such as o-rings, the e-commerce scene is still somewhat limited, but it is certainly expanding, precisely because it can offer the same benefits to company procurement departments as it does to consumers.

ORINGONE's online o-ring store offers these opportunities in a simple and quick way, and so it represents a useful tool for clients, ideal for daily use.

The o-ring configurator, a tool that enables you to receive your quote in an instant.

When used as a simple quotation tool, our ORINGONE online store makes it possible to configure any large, customised o-ring, significantly reducing the time for requesting and receiving quotations. Using our o-ring quotation generator, all you have to do is define the product you require by freely configuring its diameter and cord size, choosing from one of the more than 80 available materials, and the number of units. Therefore you don't have to write an e-mail and wait for a reply. All the information you need is provided clearly and simply by the o-ring online store, including delivery times and the availability of XPRESS services for each item configured, in real time.

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By means of an intuitive procedure in which customers are guided step by step, they can define their own custom-sized o-rings. It will then be up to the client to choose whether to finalise the order directly on the portal or to save the quote and subsequently process the order in the traditional way.

Order o-rings online. Discover our online portal and o-ring store

Quick. Practical. Easy to use, the ORINGONE o-ring configurator allows you to purchase your o-rings in a single click, with immediate order confirmation. The benefits are appreciable above all for non-EU customers: wherever you are in the world, you can order at any time, without any delays caused by the time zone or the day of the week, with the confidence assured by constant updates, 24 hours a day, based on the stock of raw material available. This feature optimises the purchasing experience without wasting time and ensures total precision.

ORINGONE. An online o-ring store for purchases or quotations

  • O-ring configurator. On ORINGONE's e-commerce portal you can use an o-ring calculator in order to obtain a quotation independently. On the website you can select the o-rings and cords (calibrated, high-performance o-ring cords), customised as necessary by setting dimensions, materials and the appropriate technical detail
  • Online o-ring store. ORINGONE online o-ring store service enables you to complete the purchasing process in just a few minutes, specifying all the product's technical features for complete customisation, and arranging the most convenient shipping times and methods.

It takes just a few minutes to try out our online o-ring store: simply sign up by entering your data, and you can begin configuring your o-rings right away. Request your promotional code to discover the convenience of the o-ring online store.

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DensityHardnessTensile StrengthElongationtr 10C.SET 48H % (°C)C.SET 72H % (°C)T. MinT. Max